Wednesday, May 23, 2012
One Thousand Hour Check Up
Hull #1 had a great opportunity to stop in Washington North Carolina at Roger Brooks boatyard to have the first Eastport 32 ever build checked out after 1000 hrs of engine service!! The boat had spent the winter in the Florida Keys and then on its journey north she did the Miami boatshow, was race committee boat for the Farr 40 circuit, then race committee boat at Charleston race week. When she got to the boatyard in North Carolina all the staff were keen to see how she had fared since leaving the factory more than 4 years earlier. having done 3 tours in the Florida Keys and 2 trips to New England and countless trips around the Chesapeake Bay, the intial rection was that she looked great as Dick and Nick have taken great care of her. So with some gel coat nicks and new caulking here and there, a Compound, buff and wax on the hull sides and a fresh coat of bottom paint she looks like new. I am particularly impressed with the Flag Blue hull sides which look great all waxed up and shiny. Here are a couple of shots from the trip up. Leaving the Florida Keys
Somewhere in the Carolina's:
The thing to notice is the crisp clean caulk job on the tailgate, one of the cosmetic touch ups the boys at Brooke Boatworks did. Nice work!!
Also nice to see dick Neville ran the boat all the way from Key West to Annapolis with no problems, other than a bit of a thumping in the lower Chesapeake Bay, I am told conditions were nice the whole way up.
At 3000 RPM the Volvo Penta D3 190 HP engines push the boat at about 22kts with a fuel burn of 9.2 gallons per hour (2.39nm/gal)...Sweet